Healthy Plants

After a late June rain, the soil looks so dark and rich.  The plants are thriving and just about ready to give.  Here are a few shots walking through the fields on Wednesday evening…Image




summer squash




more cucs


close-up corn



Spectacular Views

Walla Walla Onions

“The most effective way to do it is to do it.”  Amelia Earhart

So true in many respects…especially when it comes to farming.  There is no secret formula that will work everytime.  If there is a secret, it may be the willingness to work hard and respond to the environment and the changes which occur.  Every season is different.  Every day could bring some element which requires response.  Steadfast determination to produce a crop to nourish and sustain, despite the odds and a vision to see more than just a barren field are essential. The process is not stagnant.  Rather, always moving, changing, growing…

Summer Squash
Summer Squash

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

― Heraclitus

Farming is similar as we work with nature and whatever it brings.  The land is alive…soil is alive…all that surrounds us is life.  Nothing is the same, ever.  Everything changes.



Lon Rombough's legacy in this Marechal Foch rootstock.
Lon Rombough’s legacy in this Marechal Foch rootstock.




Mount Shasta view from field
Mount Shasta view from field

This is why we’re called Mountain View Organics…






Early June RAIN!!!

Daisy is our new best friend!
Young sweet corn
Onions making progress
Red Zeppelin onions making progress!
squash after rain
Approximately 2″ of rain fell on June 2…always good news…but work to be done afterwards…weeds in squash field and hard crust on topsoil
Step 1: cultivate soil
hula hoe
Step 2: Hula hoe around plants
early June (5)
Step 3: Water